Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Lemony Broccoli Rabe with White Beans

Lemon Broccoli Rabe with White Beans

Years ago, I was with a group of friends talking about the dishes that our mothers made all the time and that became our idea of comfort food. One of the women said that her Italian-American mom made broccoli rabe and cooked it with lots of lemon and white beans.

We all quizzed her like crazy: Was this a dish her grandmother had made, too? (Yes!) Was it a weeknight dish? (Yes!) Did her mom make it for holidays? (Yes!)

We were so intrigued that something bitter, tart, and garlicky would be considered comfort food—the rest of us had been thinking about creamy, toasty, cheese-y things!

Continue reading "Lemony Broccoli Rabe with White Beans" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Instant Pot 20 Minute Chicken Burrito Bowls

This literally comes together in less than 10 min prep and another 10 min in the pressure cooker. The chicken is so tender and the flavors are just unbelievable here! After this, you’ll never want to make burrito bowls without your Instant Pot!

Instant Pot 20 Minute Chicken Burrito Bowls - This literally comes together in less than 10 min prep and another 10 min in the pressure cooker. The chicken is so tender and the flavors are just unbelievable here! After this, you'll never want to make burrito bowls without your Instant Pot!

Is it kind of wrong that I want a bowl of this chicken burrito bowl with the pad thai and fried rice and drunken noodles that I’ve been having here?


The post Instant Pot 20 Minute Chicken Burrito Bowls appeared first on Damn Delicious.

from Mix ID 8174097

8 Recipes I Know My Kids Will Love

Meals My Kids Will Love

Ah, children. They can be our biggest fans and also our biggest challengers when it comes to cooking. Getting a meal on the table that they will eat sometimes feels like a Herculean task.

Continue reading "8 Recipes I Know My Kids Will Love" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Monday, February 26, 2018

Easy Chicken Mac and Cheese

Mac and Cheese with Chicken

As I’ve grown as a home cook, prioritizing flexibility in recipes is something I’ve learned to truly cherish. Especially now that I’m a busy parent, I find myself asking a series of questions any time I approach a recipe:

Can I substitute leftovers for an ingredient in a recipe I want to make? Can I serve this meal in a variety of ways? Is it doable to make this on a weeknight, or can I change it a bit to make it special for a weekend dinner party?

When it comes to this Easy Chicken Mac and Cheese, the answer to all of those questions is “yes!”

Continue reading "Easy Chicken Mac and Cheese" »

from Mix ID 8174097

February Coffee Date

Sometimes it’s nice to just chat, right? It’s the end of the month (SCREAM how did that happen) and I’m feeling a chat day. It’s our February coffee date!

I’m drinking a Royal Tea Latte that I did not make at home because no matter how many times I ask at Sencha, they won’t tell me how they make it, which means that I am destined to continue to going there day after day, spending my money on this creamy miracle of a drink.

What are you drinking? Coffee? Matcha? Hot chocolate? Or maybe that yummy turmeric ginger tea from Trader Joe’s? Have you tried that?

Alright, coffee date. So here’s what’s up.

Eyelash Extensions

Help! I got eyelash extensions for the first time ever and now I am about to lose all my money. They are amazing.

Before / After:


  • The actual appointment took forever. It seems really awesome to lay on your back, totally still, with your eyes closed for 2+ hours… until you actually try to lay on your back, totally still, with your eyes closed for 2+ hours at which time you realize HELLO THIS IS ACTUALLY KINDA HARD.
  • It is the equivalent of throwing your money out the window. They are so expensive! The first installation (can I call it that?) was $250 and – oh, bummer – you have to get them filled every 2-3 weeks?!? for another $75?!? I mean, I like them and everything, but I have a hard enough time paying $50 for a haircut once every six months.


  • You look like a queen.
  • Wake up and go.
  • Low maintenance.
  • You look like a queen. (x2)

Have you had extensions? Do you know of an affordable place to keep up this new habit in the Twin Cities? Please spill.

Yoga, Kinda

I’ve been doing yoga lately! Except it’s not *real* yoga, it’s technically called “yoga inspired fitness.”

For about two months I’ve been using an app called Asana Rebel and I really love it. I am working my way through the 7 Week Full Body Toner set, which, for me, is basically a live set for creating a How-You-Think-You-Look-While-Doing-Yoga and How-You-Actually-Look-While-Doing-Yoga meme. But still. I like it. It’s a nice calming workout where I can a) usually break a mini-sweat, and b) feel-good-sore the next day.

Highly recommend!

Do you guys use fitness apps?

Grocery Delivery

OMG! This is the future! Bjork and I have been using Instacart for almost a year now (both in personal life and also for the studio groceries), and I am not going to lie: it is one of my favorite things about my life right now.

We paid $100-ish for free delivery for one year. When I need groceries, I just put in an order on my phone, schedule delivery, and wait for it to arrive, usually in pajamas.

Things I’ve done with the time I saved by not going to the grocery store:

  • Yoga
  • Cleaned out fridge
  • Laundry
  • Walked Sage
  • Worked
  • Read a book
  • Watched TV
  • Painted my nails

We tip our drivers, usually 10%, so in that sense, it costs more than if we didn’t do delivery. Also a bummer – shoppers seem to REALLY struggle with finding certain things such as orange sweet potatoes. Come on, guys. But, on the other hand, I’m not impulse-buying a few throw pillows during my grocery runs (thank you very much, Target) which means maybe we’re saving money in some weird way.

I still love to peruse the grocery store in person from time to time to get excited about food and recipes, but when I do, it’s not in a frenzy to get 101 groceries, and that feels really nice.

Grocery delivery – yay or nay?

Seasonal Sads

Here in Minnesota we are hitting that point in the year that really brings out the Seasonal Sads for a lot of people. Did you know this is actually a thing? Seasonal Affective Disorder. For me, motivation is low, anticipation of warm weather is high, and general feeling as we wait for the seasons to change is meh.

It’s funny, because I love Minnesota, and I love snow, but February is about the time where my winter love dries up. A person can only take so many cloudy, cold days before needing an actual warmth lamp blasting on their face. Wait, isn’t that a thing? I can’t remember what they’re called but… do I need one? Can someone talk to me about this?

I’d love your thoughts on this. What do you guys do to work your way out of those wintery sad feelings?

Speaking of Sad

The school shooting. It’s too much. I hesitated to even mention it because it’s so heavy. But I don’t think silence honors their lives.

I have vaguely followed the news, most specifically and importantly, the list of those who lost their lives in this tragedy. I am supporting Everytown for Gun Safety, because as a nation I feel strongly we need to see a move towards more common sense gun safety laws.

To the families and friends of the victims – I’m so, so sorry. Our hearts are with you.

As I’ve been processing this heartbreak, I found this article insightful (Brene’s whole book, actually, as it relates to agreeing and disagreeing on polarizing issues), and this one, too. But articles and books can only help so much when the loss is this significant.

How do you all process the news when it is so devastating?

That’s all. From the fluff to the hard things. This is what I would talk about if we were actually on a coffee date, so that’s what’s here. The real stuff.

Before we go, one more thing. You know what? You are doing a really good job. I know sometimes it feels hard. But you’re doing it, one day at a time. Keep it up. ♡

Sage would like to look deep into your eyes to let you know that she’s cheering you on.

The post February Coffee Date appeared first on Pinch of Yum.

from Mix ID 8174097

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Easy Thai Red Curry

The easiest and most flavorful homemade Thai red curry you will ever make in just 30-40 minutes! It tastes just like the restaurant-version, except 10000x times better and cheaper!

Easy Thai Red Curry - The easiest and most flavorful homemade Thai red curry you will ever make in just 30-40 minutes! It tastes just like the restaurant-version, except 10000x times better and cheaper!

You know I couldn’t go to Bangkok without posting a Thai red curry recipe, right?


The post Easy Thai Red Curry appeared first on Damn Delicious.

from Mix ID 8174097

Gluten-Free Chocolate Banana Cupcakes

Gluten-Free Vegan Allergy-Friendly Chocolate Banana Cupcakes

Growing up, my mom always made her famous chocolate potato cake for each of our birthdays. I know, I know: it sounds very odd, but the truth is you never actually tasted the potato and it really just ensured that the batter was super moist, which I probably never appreciated as a kid but certainly do now.

These days when birthdays arise in our household, I’ve found my own tricks to achieve a really moist, super chocolatey cake and cupcakes. This recipe uses one of our son’s favorite foods: bananas.

Continue reading "Gluten-Free Chocolate Banana Cupcakes" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Vegan Chocolate Frosting

Vegan Chocolate Fudge Frosting

When I’m baking, I love having a few reliable back-pocket recipes that don’t take a lot of fuss (no candy thermometers, please!) and that have an equally fuss-free ingredient list. But a thick and fudgy chocolate frosting that spreads easily and is dairy-free? This has proven to be an elusive thing.

However, I was determined to find a good chocolate frosting recipe to go with my Gluten-Free Chocolate Banana Cupcakes, so I got to work! And I must confess that I’m mighty pleased with the results.

Continue reading "Vegan Chocolate Frosting" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Breakfast Pizza

This easy, homemade breakfast pizza is made with bacon, eggs, tomatoes, spinach and cheese, made completely from scratch and ready in less than 30 minutes start to finish!

This easy, homemade breakfast pizza is made with bacon, eggs, tomatoes, spinach and cheese, made completely from scratch and ready in less than 30 minutes start to finish!
Breakfast Pizza

This breakfast pizza is so quick and easy to make from scratch, thanks to this 4-ingredient pizza dough made with any flour of your choice, Greek yogurt, baking powder and salt! No yeast, no fancy mixer!

A healthy spin on a pizza, loaded with protein and tastes delicious!


from Mix ID 8174097

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Skinnytaste Meal Plan (February 26-March 4)

A free 7-day flexible meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and Weight Watchers Freestyle Smart Points.

A free 7-day flexible meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and Weight Watchers Freestyle Smart Points.

I’m excited to share this breakfast pizza recipe with you for the new meal plan, you’ll notice the recipe isn’t up yet, I will be posting tomorrow but the ingredients are listed in the shopping list.

If you’re new to my meal plans, I’ve been sharing free, 7-day flexible meal plans (you can see my previous meal plans here) that are meant as a guide, with plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food, coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc. You should aim for around 1500 calories* a day.

There’s also a precise, organized grocery list that will make grocery shopping so much easier and much less stressful. Save you money and time. You’ll dine out less often, waste less food and you’ll have everything you need on hand to help keep you on track.

Lastly, if you’re on Facebook join my Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone’s sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I’m loving all the ideas everyone’s sharing!


Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, are designed to serve 1 while dinners and all meals on Saturday and Sunday are designed to serve a family of 4. Some recipes make enough leftovers for two nights or lunch the next day. While we truly believe there is no one size fits all meal plan, we did our best to come up with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. Everything is Weight Watchers friendly, I included the updated Weight Watcher Freestyle Points for your convenience, feel free to swap out any recipes you wish or just use this for inspiration!

The grocery list is comprehensive and includes everything you need to make all meals on the plan. I’ve even included brand recommendations of products I love and use often. Cross check your cabinets because many condiments you’ll notice I use often, so you may already have a lot of them.

And last, but certainly not least, this meal plan is flexible and realistic. There’s plenty of wiggle room for cocktails, healthy snacks, dessert and dinner out. And if necessary, you can move some things around to make it work with your schedule. Please let me know if you’re using these plans, this will help me decide if I should continue sharing them!

MONDAY (2/26)
B: Avocado Toast with Sunny Side Egg (4) with a banana (0)
L: Spiralized Greek Cucumber Salad with Lemon and Feta (7)
D: Easy Crust-less Spinach and Feta Pie (2) with White Bean Caprese Salad (2)
Totals: Freestyle Points 15, Calories 827*

TUESDAY (2/27)
B: Avocado Toast with Sunny Side Egg (4) with a banana (0)
L: LEFTOVER Easy Crust-less Spinach and Feta Pie (2) with White Bean Caprese Salad (2)
D: Pressure Cooker Stewed Chicken with Corn (Pollo Guisado con Maiz) (4) with ½ cup brown rice (3)
Totals: Freestyle Points 15, Calories 1,026*

B: ½ cup quick oats (4) with 2 tablespoons skim milk (0), pinch salt (0) and ½ cup blueberries (0)
L: LEFTOVER Easy Crust-less Spinach and Feta Pie (2) with White Bean Caprese Salad (2)
D: One-Pot Spaghetti and Meat Sauce (8) with 1 cup arugula salad** (3)
Totals: Freestyle Points 19, Calories 932*

B: ½ cup quick oats (4) with 2 tablespoons skim milk (0), pinch salt (0) and ½ cup blueberries (0)
L: Chickpea Tuna Salad (0)
D: Instant Pot Chicken and Lentil Soup (1) with 2 ounces multi-grain baguette (3) with 2 teaspoons butter (3)
Totals: Freestyle Points 11, Calories 938*

FRIDAY (3/2)
B: 6 ounces nonfat Greek yogurt (0) with ½ cup blueberries (0) and 1 teaspoon honey (1)
L: Chickpea Tuna Salad (0)
D: Skillet Fish Fillet with Tomatoes, White Wine and Capers (2) with Broccoli and Orzo (4)
Totals: Freestyle Points 7, Calories 877*

B: Bacon and Egg Breakfast Pizza (recipe coming) (5)
L: LEFTOVER Instant Pot Chicken and Lentil Soup (1) with 2 ounces multi-grain baguette (3)
D: Dinner out!
Totals: Freestyle Points 9, Calories 664*

SUNDAY (3/4)
B: 4-Ingredient Flourless Banana-Nut Pancakes (4) [Recipe x 4]
L: LEFTOVER Instant Pot Chicken and Lentil Soup (1) with 2 ounces multi-grain baguette (3)
D: Thai Basil Chicken (1) with Roasted Broccoli with Smashed Garlic (2) and ¾ cup jasmine rice (4)
Totals: Freestyle Points 15, Calories 1,201*

*This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc.

**Includes 4 cups arugula, 2 ounces shaved parmesan and ¼ cup balsamic vinaigrette

**This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator  to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc.  3 Double the recipe for a family of 4.  4 Cook oats with water according to package instructions then add milk, salt and berries.


from Mix ID 8174097

Meal Plan for February Week 4

I often try to keep Monday dinners super simple, but lately I’ve found that it’s Wednesday nights that have been the troublemaker. By this time in the week, everyone’s starting to get tired from the pace of the work (and daycare) week, and yet it’s just not quite close enough to Friday to let our guard down and get excited about the weekend.

So this Wednesday, I’m keeping it simpler than usual with a make-your-own Twice Baked Potato situation! This will go over well with small and large palates alike.

Continue reading "Meal Plan for February Week 4" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Bacon Cheddar Chive Biscuits

The BEST savory biscuits you will ever have! Loaded with crispy bacon bits, extra-sharp cheddar cheese and chives. The biscuits come out perfectly flaky and buttery every time!

Bacon Cheddar Chive Biscuits - The BEST savory biscuits you will ever have! Loaded with crispy bacon bits, extra-sharp cheddar cheese and chives. The biscuits come out perfectly flaky and buttery every time!

Greetings from Thailand!


The post Bacon Cheddar Chive Biscuits appeared first on Damn Delicious.

from Mix ID 8174097

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Slow Cooker Taco Soup

Slow Cooker Taco Soup with sour cream and chips

A Cold-Weather Favorite

This slow cooker taco soup with ground beef is one of my favorite recipes to make in the slow cooker, especially in the fall and winter months.

The soup is so hearty and flavorful, and the beef gets so tender over the long hours of cooking. Let it cook all day and it just gets better.

Continue reading "Slow Cooker Taco Soup" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Chickpea Tuna Salad

Chickpea Tuna Salad with capers is perfect for lunch! Quick and easy for meal prep! Healthy and filling, this mayo-less Tuna Salad is loaded with protein and Omega 3s and tastes even better the next day.

Chickpea Tuna Salad with capers is perfect for lunch! Quick and easy for meal prep! Healthy and filling, this mayo-less Tuna Salad is loaded with protein and Omega 3s and tastes even better the next day.
Chickpea Tuna Salad

I’ve had this salad on my mind and realized I had all the ingredients on hand to whip this up, and I loved it! This would make a great meal prep lunch, you can double the recipe, the flavors only get better then next day. Lettuce is totally optional, there’s no oil, no mayo, instead I drizzled some of the brine from the capers (the liquid) along with red wine vinegar and loved how it turned out.


from Mix ID 8174097

Slow Cooker Chicken Pot Pie Soup

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Black Rice Bowls with Tofu and Veggies

Tofu and Rice Veggie Bowl

Welcome to the world of grain bowls!

What’s a grain bowl? These are bowls filled full with fresh and delicious vegetables, some protein, and a cooked whole grain. The components can often be made ahead of time, so grain bowls make a great assemble-and-go meal.

Continue reading "Black Rice Bowls with Tofu and Veggies" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

9 Meals to Double and Freeze

Meals to Double and Freeze

There’s something so wonderful and welcoming about coming home after a busy day, knowing you have a well-stocked freezer and can just pull out a casserole to reheat for dinner.

You’ve already done the hard work of making the meal. Now you just get to enjoy the benefits of your prior planning.

Continue reading "9 Meals to Double and Freeze" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Monday, February 19, 2018

Winter Cheese Board

Your guests will be so impressed with this Winter harvest cheese board! It takes 10 minutes to prep and it has all of your favorite winter fruits, cheeses and crackers. And it serves a huge gathering without breaking the bank!

Winter Cheese Board - Your guests will be so impressed with this Winter harvest cheese board! It takes 10 minutes to prep and it has all of your favorite winter fruits, cheeses and crackers. And it serves a huge gathering without breaking the bank!

So my birthday is in 2 days.


The post Winter Cheese Board appeared first on Damn Delicious.

from Mix ID 8174097

Bangin Good Shrimp

A healthier, slimmed down copycat recipe of Bonefish Grill’s very popular Bang Bang shrimp recipe.

A slimmed down copycat recipe of Bonefish Grill's very popular Bang Bang shrimp recipe.
Bang Bang Shrimp

This shrimp is out-of-this-world good, made with stir fried shrimp mixed with a creamy, sweet and spicy chili sauce served on a bed of shredded lettuce and purple cabbage topped with scallions.  Takes only 10 minutes to whip up which makes this perfect for lunch, as an appetizer or even a light meal.

What is Bang Bang Sauce?

It’s simply three ingredients, mayonnaise, sriracha and Thai Sweet chili sauce. You can adjust the heat to your comfort level. To lighten it, I used less mayo and opted for Hellman’s light. Since shrimp is naturally a low-calorie, zero point food, this dish is easy to fit into a healthy lifestyle.


from Mix ID 8174097

Fettuccine Alfredo with Mushrooms

Mushroom Fettuccine Alfredo

If you’re a beginner cook, or even an intermediate one, it may not cross your mind to try making alfredo sauce from scratch. For me, it seemed just a tiny bit out of reach for years. Then one day, I gave it a try and quickly found myself saying, “Oh. That was really easy.”

Alfredo is one of the most underrated sauces—it’s made with just a few pantry staples, it’s always satisfying, and it’s surprisingly easy to make at home.

Every home cook should have a recipe at the ready for quick weeknight dinners. It’s certainly not just for restaurant dining!

Continue reading "Fettuccine Alfredo with Mushrooms" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Firecracker Vegan Lettuce Wraps

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Skillet Pork Chops with Cabbage

Pork Chops in a Skillet

It’s hard to get really excited by cabbage—it seems so ordinary! But when I was in southern Germany recently, I enjoyed some truly outstanding cabbage with pork.

I knew instantly what made it so good: the cabbage was cooked low and slow in plenty of pork fat, and the pork served alongside was incredibly juicy. It was a memorable meal, and that wasn’t just the German beer talking.

Continue reading "Skillet Pork Chops with Cabbage" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Instant Pot Potato Corn Chowder

So hearty, cozy and creamy – perfect for those cold nights! And it’s made right in your pressure cooker so effortlessly! It’s comfort food at it’s easiest!

Instant Pot Potato Corn Chowder - So hearty, cozy and creamy - perfect for those cold nights! And it's made right in your pressure cooker so effortlessly! It's comfort food at it's easiest!

I told you – I really am obsessed with my new Instant Pot.


The post Instant Pot Potato Corn Chowder appeared first on Damn Delicious.

from Mix ID 8174097

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Skinnytaste Meal Plan (February 19-February 25)

A free 7-day flexible meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and Weight Watchers Freestyle Smart Points.

A free 7-day flexible meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and Weight Watchers Freestyle Smart Points.
Skinnytaste Meal Plan (Feb 19-25)

Hope everyone is having a great week! I am excited to here all the success stories from people using the plans and losing weight, this is the reason why I share them, and I couldn’t be happier they are working out for many of you! If you’re new to my meal plans, I’ve been sharing free, 7-day flexible meal plans (you can see my previous meal plans here) that are meant as a guide, with plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food, coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc. You should aim for around 1500 calories* a day.

There’s also a precise, organized grocery list that will make grocery shopping so much easier and much less stressful. Save you money and time. You’ll dine out less often, waste less food and you’ll have everything you need on hand to help keep you on track.

Lastly, if you’re on Facebook join my Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone’s sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I’m loving all the ideas everyone’s sharing!


Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, are designed to serve 1 while dinners and all meals on Saturday and Sunday are designed to serve a family of 4. Some recipes make enough leftovers for two nights or lunch the next day. While we truly believe there is no one size fits all meal plan, we did our best to come up with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. Everything is Weight Watchers friendly, I included the updated Weight Watcher Freestyle Points for your convenience, feel free to swap out any recipes you wish or just use this for inspiration!

The grocery list is comprehensive and includes everything you need to make all meals on the plan. I’ve even included brand recommendations of products I love and use often. Cross check your cabinets because many condiments you’ll notice I use often, so you may already have a lot of them.

And last, but certainly not least, this meal plan is flexible and realistic. There’s plenty of wiggle room for cocktails, healthy snacks, dessert and dinner out. And if necessary, you can move some things around to make it work with your schedule. Please let me know if you’re using these plans, this will help me decide if I should continue sharing them!

MONDAY (2/19)
B: Meal Prep Breakfast Taco Scramble (5)
L: Chickpea Avocado Salad (3)
D: Best Skinny Eggplant Rollatini with Spinach (5) with an arugula salad (3)**
Totals: Freestyle Points 16, Calories 1,000*

TUESDAY (2/20)
B: Meal Prep Breakfast Taco Scramble (5)
L: Chickpea Avocado Salad (3)
D: One Pot Cheesy Turkey Taco Chili Mac (6)
Totals: Freestyle Points 14, Calories 1,034*

B: Meal Prep Breakfast Taco Scramble (5)
L: LEFTOVER Best Skinny Eggplant Rollatini with Spinach (5) with 1 cup arugula salad (3)*
D: LEFTOVER One Pot Cheesy Turkey Taco Chili Mac (6)
Totals: Freestyle Points 19, Calories 1,098*

B: Meal Prep Breakfast Taco Scramble (5)
L: 1 cup Avocado Egg Salad (4) over 2 cups Romaine lettuce (0)
D: Slow Cooker Chicken and Sausage Creole (4) with ½ cup brown rice (3)*
Totals: Freestyle Points 16, Calories 1,129*

FRIDAY (2/23)
B: 6 ounces nonfat Greek yogurt (0) with ½ cup mixed berries (0) and 1 teaspoon honey (1)
L: 1 cup Avocado Egg Salad (4) over 2 cups Romaine lettuce (0)
D: Indian Shrimp Curry (2) with ¾ cup brown rice (5) and 8 cucumber slices (0)
Totals: Freestyle Points 12, Calories 891*

B: Stuffed Bagel Balls (5) with ½ cup mixed berries (0)
L: Zesty Lime Shrimp and Avocado Salad (2)
D: Dinner out!
Totals: Freestyle Points 7, Calories 412*

SUNDAY (2/25)
B: Roasted Strawberry Banana Bread (3) with 1 cup cubed cantaloupe (0)
L: The Skinny Tuna Melt (4) (recipe x 2) with 10 baby carrots (0)
D: Crock Pot Maple Dijon Chicken Drumsticks (8) with Sautéed Brussels Sprouts (1)

Totals: Freestyle Points 16, Calories 713*

NOTES: 1 Green salad includes 5 cups romaine, ½ cup each: carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, chickpeas, 2 scallions and ½ ounce shaved parmesan.

**This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator  to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc.  3 Double the recipe for a family of 4.  4 Cook oats with water according to package instructions then add milk, salt and berries.


from Mix ID 8174097

Meal Plan for February Week 3

Meal Plan for February Week 3

I don’t know about you, but we had a lot of Valentine’s treats around the house last week, so I’m excited about jumping into the kitchen to get some real food back on the table!

For this week’s meal plan, there’s quite a bit you can tackle over the weekend to make your dinners during the week a little easier.

Continue reading "Meal Plan for February Week 3" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Friday, February 16, 2018

Chamomile-Honey Hot Toddy

Chamomile Hot Toddy

What is a Hot Toddy?

Children who are having trouble falling to sleep are often prescribed a glass of warm milk to help them nod off. Their parents, having spent the night cajoling, ordering and begging their children to go to bed, may need something a bit stronger.

Enter this chamomile hot toddy. It’s a drink of whiskey, honey, and lemon mixed with chamomile tea to help you doze off in no time.

Continue reading "Chamomile-Honey Hot Toddy" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Meal Prep Breakfast Taco Scramble

Breakfast lovers, jazz up your mornings with this Meal Prep Breakfast Taco Scramble, made with potatoes, turkey taco meat, scrambled eggs and salsa (cheese is optional!) perfect to make ahead for breakfast for the week!

Breakfast lovers, jazz up your mornings with this Meal Prep Breakfast Taco Scramble, perfect to make ahead for breakfast for the week!
Meal Prep Breakfast Taco Scramble

Eating a healthy breakfast during the week is easy when you meal prep. Prepping for meals ahead that you’re going to eat all week long can be knocked out on a Saturday or Sunday, making the weekdays less stressful.


from Mix ID 8174097

Shrimp and Grits

Easy Shrimp and Grits

A Classic Southern Dish

Shrimp and grits is one of those iconic Southern dishes that stir something deep inside those who grew up with them.

Originally from the oceanic South—Georgia, the Low Country coast of the Carolinas and Gulf Coast states all have their versions—this homey bowl of awesome was historically a simple fisherman’s breakfast: Grits, with some bacon and a few shrimp tossed on top.

If you’ve ever eaten it, you can understand why shrimp and grits has burst from the seaside shrimp shanties.

The grits are soft, buttery, and often cheesy, with a savory, bacon-studded sauce surrounding them, and lots and lots of shrimp. Maybe some parsley or green onions for color and crunch.

Continue reading "Shrimp and Grits" »

from Mix ID 8174097

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Slow Cooker Chicken and Sausage Creole

This New Orleans-inspired slow-cooker dish with chicken and Andouille sausage simmered in a rich tomato broth, is perfect to make for Fat Tuesday!

This New Orleans-inspired slow-cooker dish with chicken and Andouille sausage simmered in a rich tomato broth, is perfect to make for Fat Tuesday! Slow Cooker Chicken and Sausage Creole


from Mix ID 8174097

Fudgy Gluten-Free Vegan Brownies

Fudgy Gluten-Free Vegan Brownies

We have a lot of friends on a variety of restrictive diets right now, and as someone who loves to entertain, I wanted to make sure I had a treat that everyone could eat. But first and foremost, it had to be something everyone would actually want to eat.

I began scheming up a super fudgy, no-frills brownie that could be gluten-free, egg-free, and dairy-free — and still leave us all reaching for more. Mission accomplished.

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from Mix ID 8174097

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Cheddar Broccoli Soup

During the cold winter months, everyone should have at least one great soup recipe that’s not only warming and filling, but that can also be made quickly on any given weeknight.

This simple Broccoli Cheddar Soup checks all the boxes—plus, it’s easy to make in one pot. Bonus!

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from Mix ID 8174097

Basic Soft Pretzels

Monday, February 12, 2018

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

A classic little treat perfect for a date or as a gift, chocolate covered strawberries are a defined part of romance in America. But don’t stop with simple dipping, dress them up to the nines with white and dark chocolate tuxedos!

Could they be more cute?

Super easy to make too!

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from Mix ID 8174097

Stuffed Bagel Balls

Easy, homemade, mini stuffed bagel balls filled with cream cheese! This copycat Bantam Bagels recipe is made with no yeast, no boiling, no fancy mixer!

Easy, homemade, mini stuffed bagel balls filled with cream cheese! This copycat Bantam Bagels recipe is made with no yeast, no boiling, no fancy mixer!
Stuffed Bagel Balls

My husband is obsessed with Bantam Bagels, so when I started testing out this easy 5-Ingredient Bagel recipe he asked me to make them into bagel balls, and they turned out great!


from Mix ID 8174097