Monday, September 19, 2016

Fall Capsule Wardrobe

Fall Capsule Wardrobe |

Oh, happy day! After a few mall trips, Goodwill runs, written planning, online shopping sprees, and in-store exchanges just to make sure, my fall capsule is finally set.

What this means:

  • I have 19 items of clothing in my closet, all of which I could wear today, right here, right now. That’s 5 shoes, 5 pants, and 9 tops.
  • The flip side of that is that I don’t have anything in my closet that I would not wear today, right here, right now. It all fits both my body and my lifestyle just right. No random pink tops with tassels that require me to go purchase new pants and shoes just to make the outfit work.
  • I might wear the same pants and shoes two days in a row, because when you only have 5 pants and 5 shoes? Yeah. And besides, this is all part of the capsule experience and I know you will not judge. It’s called a uniform and I think it’s sort of a trendy thing right now anyway. Go us!
  • Getting dressed for the next three months is going to be a joy that does not take more than 30 seconds. PARTYYYY.

This is what I love about a capsule wardrobe.

As mentioned during our September lunch date, I did a pretty terrible job capsuling through summer. I kind of started to put one together, but I never saw it to completion – so I had a half-effort capsule and it did not work any magic for me this summer.

Fall is a little easier, though, right? You’re in more of a normal routine, you’re looking for mostly the same type of clothes (for me, that’s jeans, button ups, sweaters, and boots/flats), and is it just me or are fall clothes just all-around more fun to shop for and wear? I don’t know, for whatever reason, fall seems like a good time to get the capsule wardrobe game back on point after a weak summer of random clothes that did not fit.

Fall Capsule Wardrobe |

If you are interested in how I got the capsule wardrobe bug and how you yourself can start one, you should check out this post I did last fall which is called, obviously, How To Start a Capsule Wardrobe: A Guide for Beginners.

I have a bit of a different concept of a capsule wardrobe, which is that I essentially keep two:

  1. A Base Wardrobe that does not change throughout the year (includes 50 items in many categories: workout clothes, pajamas, layering tees and tanks, formalwear, and outerwear).
  2. A Capsule Wardrobe that does change with each season (includes 19 items for everyday wear: 9 tops, 5 pants, 5 shoes).

To be honest, a lot of the things in my base wardrobe are not interesting enough to show you. They are old pajama tops (read: free event T-shirts turned loungewear), layering tanks that I’ve accumulated from Target over the years, and a one or two dresses and skirts purchased sometime around 2006.

But I think the most fun is looking at the capsule wardrobe for the season and seeing what’s currently awesome for someone else, so that’s what today is – just a little breakdown of the tops, pants, and shoes that are making my wardrobe life easy and wonderful this fall.

So here it is! My easy fall 2016 capsule wardrobe.


Fall Tops

Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe |
Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe |
Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe |


Pro tip about the tops:

I find it super helpful to plan my tops in groups of three.

In the grid above, you’ll see 3 button ups, 3 sweaters, and 3 open-front tops. That is intentional. That makes planning super easy. That allows me to pick jeans and pants that easily work with everything.

I’ve also been known to even buy the same exact shirt in multiple colors and maybe I put both in the fall capsule, or maybe I put one in the fall and one in the spring – either way works. Once I find something that fits and flatters, I grab hold and do not let go.

Note: since several of my tops are the same ones from last year and they are no longer listed online, I grabbed links to the most similar products I could find and linked those instead! Feel free to check out last year’s tops in this post


Fall Pants

Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe |
Fall Capsule Wardrobe |


One thing to note about the pants: THERE ARE ONLY 4!

I have found that so far this fall, I really only need four pairs of pants. I have three different washes of jeans (all from Express, all similar styles, because remember: once I find something that works, I grab hold and do not let go) and then one pair of leggings. I will probably upgrade with a new pair of jeans or two this winter and spring, but for now, the old standbys are working just fine.

All my pants are the same style (skinny) which makes shoe planning REALLY really easy.

Fashion forwards of the world might get bored with this arrangement – I can respect that.

I, on the other hand, mostly get really happy, because it’s SO AMAZINGLY EASY to get dressed every day.


Fall Shoes

Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe |
Fall Capsule Wardrobe | Fall Capsule Wardrobe |


Shoes in the fall are the best. Flats and boots are where it’s at. And when all your pants are the same style (hello skinnies), shoe planning is a non-issue.

Three of these shoes are left over from last year, and two of them are newbies to my life.


Alright, let’s wrap with a few comments and tips.

First of all, just know – I do not necessarily think of myself as a fashion forward person, but I do think of myself as the person who HAS AN EASY WAY TO GET DRESSED WELL. If you’re like me and want to spend as little time as possible getting dressed while ending up wearing the most comfortable, most flattering, most appropriate for your lifestyle at all times clothes – YOU NEED A CAPSULE. I can’t recommend it highly enough. All the PDF forms and concepts that I use to plan my capsule are available in this post. I wish you all the good things on your capsule journey!

If you are just getting started or have been doing capsule wardrobes for a while, I have found this app called Cladwell to be an interesting and mostly helpful tool in planning. I would still say the written forms that I used are an easier and more straightforward way to plan a capsule, but that being said, the Cladwell app helps you focus on colors and gives you some template styles to pull from which was a win. Also cute apps in general are just a bonus, right?

Finally, really random tip and maybe a strange way to end, but I bought these organizers on Amazon that I use to organize socks, underwear, and other accessories and they have literally changed. my. life. Goodbye, messy top drawer. It’s the little things.

Capsule on, friends! Just another reason to love fall, right? ♡


The post Fall Capsule Wardrobe appeared first on Pinch of Yum.

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