Sunday, January 8, 2017

Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Cauliflower Soup

Creamy, dairy-free and dee-lish thanks to roasting the vegetables which adds so much flavor and depth! Topped with more roasted vegetables for texture, it's both filling yet light.

Guys, you are going to LOVE this soup!! It’s creamy, dairy-free and dee-lish thanks to roasting the vegetables which adds so much flavor and depth! Topped with more roasted vegetables for texture, it’s both filling yet light.

My aunt shared this recipe with me, which she adapted from the Savory magazine she picked up at my local supermarket. At first thought I wasn’t sure how I felt about Brussels sprouts in a soup, but my first spoonful I was in love with the taste! The roasted flavor really comes through in every bite, perfect to warm up on this cold, snowy day.


from Mix ID 8174097

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