Friday, February 12, 2016

15 Minute Cauliflower Fried Rice

15 Minute Cauliflower Fried Rice - healthy + clean fried rice made with cauliflower, carrots, onions, garlic, eggs/tofu, and sesame oil! 180 calories per serving. Vegetarian / vegan / gluten free. |

Cauliflower Fried Rice. We are getting that ultra-hip today.

Because sometimes life is life, and you just gotta keep the food really simple. And super healthy. And deliciously delicious.

Like when you come back from vacation on a Monday and you realize, on Friday, that it actually just takes you twice as long to recover from your trip-scapades than the amount of time you actually spent tripping. Is that a win or a fail? Don’t answer that.

Or like when you bough a bunch of ingredients to make really awesomely creative and powerhouse nutritious food for the week, but then it becomes the end of the week and you open the fridge and all your good ingredients are still staring you back in the face while your empty cereal boxes are telling the hard truth about your real life.

Or like when you try to wake up in the morning but bed – oh that sweet loving BED – it’s so warm and so comfy and it calls you back in for roughly 50 million alarm snoozes. Honestly, sometimes I just try to think about what life is like for you amazingly adult heroes with the little ones, you people who wake up all night and then early in the morning and have to be a functioning person in the world who is responsible for a job, a house, and the safety and well-being of your tiny humans, and I just get 200% overwhelmed. Please tell me – what is your secret? Are you all just so very good at hiding your lack of sleep? Have you developed super powers? How are you even alive? ALL HAIL THE PARENTS.

15 Minute Cauliflower Fried Rice - healthy + clean fried rice made with cauliflower, carrots, onions, garlic, eggs/tofu, and sesame oil! 180 calories per serving. Vegetarian / vegan / gluten free. | pinchofyum.comCauliflower Rice |

So all that to say, this week I am making Simple, Healthy, and Delicious completely non-negotiable in my back-to-it cooking routines, and I’m guessing you might be looking for some of the same. Because LIFE, man.

And that works out nicely because it’s exactly what we have going on today.

15 Minute Cauliflower Fried Rice is loaded with veggies and protein (eggs or tofu, maybs?) and it is drizzled with a little somethin extra (soy sauce, hoisin glaze, take your pick) and it is, in fact, simple, healthy, deliciously delicious.

15 Minute Cauliflower Fried Rice - healthy + clean fried rice made with cauliflower, carrots, onions, garlic, eggs/tofu, and sesame oil! 180 calories per serving. Vegetarian / vegan / gluten free. |

Guys, have you ever heard of this cauliflower rice thingy? It’s pretty obnoxious at first glance (why not just make RICE? does everything have to be made from cauliflower?) but upon further investigation and much cauliflower rice consumption, I can confidently say that this is worth the weirdo factor.

Just think about how healthy this is. Seriously.

It’s just straight up vegetables, with a little oil, a little sauce, and a little egg or tofu for protein. Cleanest of the clean.

Also – it’s so fast and easy.

Just pulse the raw cauliflower into “rice” in the food processor and then stir fry the whole thing up. No soaking, no pressing, no strange and unusual kitchen moves other than just pulsing a few pieces of cauliflower into this magical rice substitute.

This recipe is too easy for you to even have any excuses. Get all your ingredients out (a little mise en place, maybe? #fancy) and I promise it won’t take you more than 15-ish minutes. Dinner! Ready! Set! Go!

15 Minute Cauliflower Fried Rice - healthy + clean fried rice made with cauliflower, carrots, onions, garlic, eggs/tofu, and sesame oil! 180 calories per serving. Vegetarian / vegan / gluten free. |

15 Minute Cauliflower Fried Rice
Serves: 4 servings
  • 1 medium-sized head of cauliflower
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 1 large carrot, cubed
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 cup frozen edamame
  • 2 beaten eggs (use scrambled tofu for vegan)
  • 3 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce (use tamari for GF)
  • 6 green onions, minced
  1. PREP CAULIFLOWER: Shred cauliflower using the largest side of a grater OR by just pulsing some rough cut pieces in a food processor; the end product should resemble smallish grains of rice.
  2. STIR FRY: Heat 1 tablespoon sesame oil in a large skillet over medium low heat. Add the carrots and garlic and stir fry until fragrant, about 5 minutes. Add the cauliflower, edamame, and remaining sesame oil to the pan; stir fry quickly to cook the cauliflower to a soft (but not mushy) texture.
  3. FINISHING TOUCHES: Make a well in the middle, turn the heat down, and add the eggs. Stir gently and continuously until the eggs are fully cooked. Stir in the soy sauce and green onions just before serving.
This recipe tastes best the same day, in my opinion. The cauliflower just gets so overly cauliflower-smelling when you have it as leftovers.

For the sauce on top, I just whisked equal parts soy sauce, honey, sesame oil, and oyster sauce together and drizzled it over top with sesame seeds. I like a little pretty flair like that.


Cauliflower Fried Rice Nutrition Facts


The post 15 Minute Cauliflower Fried Rice appeared first on Pinch of Yum.

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