Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Peruvian Green Sauce

Peruvian green sauce also known as Aji Verde is a spicy bright green condiment typically found in any Peruvian restaurant.

Peruvian green sauce also known as Aji Verde is a spicy bright green condiment typically found in any Peruvian restaurant.

It’s served alongside roasted chicken, grilled meats, rice and beans but I also love it over my eggs, salad, or anything that needs flavor!

I’m obsessed with this sauce, every time I go to my local Peruvian restaurant I buy a large container to bring home. I’ve attempted to make this so many times, but something was always missing. I finally got really close (my husband thinks it’s even better!) and am happy to share with you! I served this over pollo sabroso for dinner, and have been putting it on everything since!


from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8174097 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/weightwatcherspointsrecipes/~3/sMaKSkVkbtM/

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