Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Raw Spiralized Beet & Mandarin Salad with Mint

 Raw Spiralized Beet & Mandarin Salad with Mint – ready in 15 minutes, raw, vegan and easy!

If you think you don't like beets, try eating them raw, you may change your mind! I got this idea from a meal at a raw vegan restaurant where I tried raw beets for the first time, and loved them. The trick is to cut them thin and let them marinate a little while, perfect for spiralizing! Truth is, I love them BETTER uncooked, and with mandarin oranges and some fresh mint, this is not just delicious, but also beautiful!

Raw Spiralized Beet & Mandarin Salad with Mint

Sorry I haven't updated here lately, I just completed my new cookbook and spent a week in Charleston shooting the photos. I'm finally getting back into my routine so there will be lots of new recipes coming soon! I shared this on Snapchat a few weeks ago (username Skinnytaste) and loved how this turned out. If you make it, snap me a photo! And if you're wondering what my favorite spiralizer is, it's the Inspiralizer picture above.

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8174097 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/weightwatcherspointsrecipes/~3/gbzjnTCxKnA/raw-spiralized-beet-mandarin-salad-with.html

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