Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Updated Waldorf Salad Cups

Updated Waldorf Salad Cups – a lighter take on the classic Waldorf Salad served in lettuce leaves so you can eat them with your hands instead of a fork!

A lighter take on the classic Waldorf Salad served in lettuce leaves so you can eat them with your hands instead of a fork!

I'm really excited to share this recipe for more reasons than one.

First, these lettuce wraps are delicious and easy to make, the chicken can easily be made ahead to pack for lunch throughout the week. 

Second, I {heart} Andie Mitchell who's not only my friend, she's also one of the nicest and most inspiring people I've met (you may remember her memoir, It Was Me All Along about her incredible weight loss story, her struggle with overcoming food addiction and learning how to find self-acceptance). Well, now she came out with her first cookbook, Eating In The Middle where she shares her realistic approach to eating "mostly" healthy meals plus "sometimes" foods because life just needs dessert.

Updated Waldorf Salad Cups – a lighter take on the classic Waldorf Salad served in lettuce leaves so you can eat them with your hands instead of a fork!

The serving size is extremely generous, and I had friends over for lunch when I made this and everyone enjoyed them. I ever so slightly adapted her original recipe by cutting back on the dressing just a touch. Hope you enjoy!

Click Here To See The Full Recipe...

from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8174097 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/weightwatcherspointsrecipes/~3/KUFKsKYPYdQ/updated-waldorf-salad-cups.html

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