Friday, May 27, 2016

Food Blogger Pro is Open for Enrollment

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Gather round, grab your friends, your family, pals, neighbors, coworkers. Okay, maybe not your neighbors and coworkers, but lean in, guys – I have something important to share.

Food Blogger Pro’s spring registration is now open. OPEN! As in doors wide ooooopen for 6 more days.

And we’d love for you to be a part of this community.

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When I first started Pinch of Yum, I had no idea what this lil’ blog would grow into. I just knew that I had to share my love for all foods fried, cooked, raw, tossed together, smothered in sauce, baked, creamed, and topped with an egg with anyone who would listen.

Over the next few years as we continued to develop Pinch of Yum, Bjork and I learned so much valuable information from our own mistakes and experiences as well as learning from the input and help of others. All of that information contributed to Pinch of Yum’s growth in a huge way. Now, 6 years later, Pinch of Yum has grown into a vibrant community that consistently makes us feel like we are the luckiest people alive to be able to do what we do (namely eating arepas) and call it “work.”

This is where Food Blogger Pro comes in.

Food Blogger Pro is an online learning community where busy food bloggers (and a handful of non-food bloggers too) efficiently connect and learn how to take their blogs to the next level.

We know how important having a community of support is to a blog’s success so we want to make our knowledge, our experience, our don’t-do-this and YOU GOTTA TRY THIS insights available to you.

WhoIsItForA quick little quiz:

  1. Do you love food, nutrition, recipes, community, and/or the internet?
  2. Have you been wanting to improve your photography and understand your camera better?
  3. Have you ever been told you should start a blog?
  4. Do you have a blog already?
  5. Do you wish your blog had more traffic?
  6. Does SEO scare you?
  7. Do plugins and HTML and analytics sound like foreign language?
  8. Have you ever wanted to turn your blog into a source of income?

If you answered yes to any of the above, Food Blogger Pro was created to meet your blogging needs.

Whether you’re just starting out or simply want to kick your content up a notch, Food Blogger Pro is a community where you can connect with others bloggers as well as get all your blogging related questions answered in one place.


Take a virtual tour!



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Right now we have over 300 videos available to you as soon as you register. These videos cover everything from Getting Started, Building Traffic, Generating Income, Food Photography, and Creating an eBook. Plus! Each video comes with full transcript so you can find your favorite insights like a true speedster.


live video

Every month we host a Live Q&A where Bjork and I (or a featured industry expert) answer questions about this crazy world of online biz building, including everything from Facebook ad targeting to photography to email management (boring, but important!). Plus, as a member, you get access to all our previously recorded Q&A sessions and can jump around from question to question to see answers to the parts of the Q&A that were most relevant to you. Double win.



What to even say about the forum? It’s so fun, it’s extremely active, and it is your go-to place for crowd-sourcing an answer to difficult questions. Members (and the FBP Industry Experts, see below…) are incredibly generous with their feedback. You’ll find not only technical information here but inspirational and motivational encouragement as well. I LOVE THE FORUM.


One person can’t know it all, which is why we are so excited to bring you the *best of the best* to teach you exactly how to win in all the different areas of blogging. These experts are available through our community forum to answer questions for you about their area of expertise.



The nutrition label generator offers a quick and easy way to create a label that you can include in your recipe posts. I include one in (almost) ever post I publish.


But my personal favorite part of the whole operation? THE COMMUNITY!

Hear me out here: nothing works without a strong base of like-minded people pushing you to achieve your goals and become better at your craft. And within Food Blogger Pro, there is no shortage of community! We have member-led discussions, tons of insightful forums (as mentioned before) and a few of us have even had the chance to meet each other in person at conferences this year. 

Here’s a picture of our FBP meet up from the Everything Food Conference last week. Thanks to Brittany for this picture!

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WhatDoesItCost$29/month (or $279/year).

No fine print and no commitments. We think the best contract is no contract, so you can cancel at any time.

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What if I can’t afford a full year of membership?

You can pay month to month and still take advantage of all of our resources. Plus you can cancel anytime!

What if don’t have a blog, and I just want to learn more right now?

Everyone is welcome. We even have a course called Getting Started where we walk you through step by step on how to start your blog from the very beginning.

What if I need help with my blog but I don’t write about food?

We welcome you! About 10-15% of Food Blogger Pro members have blogs that are focused on subjects outside of food. Even though most of our resources and content are written with food blogs in mind, you can still take the basic principles and apply them to your own blog.

Can I wait and sign up next month?

After June 2nd we close the public enrollment and move to a waiting list.


Here is some feedback we’ve gotten from members. All of these are quotes from unsolicited emails or messages.

“Totally LOVING FBP! I’ve been blogging for a number of years and was hesitant to sign up as I was worried it would be too basic. OMG – I’ve learned SOOOOO much over past few weeks already.” – Michele

“I truly believe the smartest decision I made when I decided to go for it was to purchase this service. I have found FBP to be an amazing resource and I dare say I might have gotten frustrated to the point of quitting with setting up the website if not for the videos and the answers I found in this community.” – Jeff

“I’ve been blogging since 2008 and have taken many courses, read books, gone to conferences, etc. Being a member of FBP is one of the most helpful tools I’ve used so far.” – Stacie

“I set a goal to double my blog revenue within three months and, with the info provided by Food Blogger Pro, I was able to accomplish that goal in under 30 days! My revenue was already fairly large, so this was no small feat. This website and all of the easy to follow information is beyond valuable.” – Beth

“Just wanted to shoot you guys a BIG THANK YOU! The food photography and styling videos on Food Blogger Pro have made a huge difference in my food photos. Lindsay is an incredible teacher. She makes topics approachable because the way she explains things is easy to follow, but super informative. A recipe of mine was recently picked up by The Huffington Post.” – Theresa

IsItForMe✖️Food Blogger Pro is NOT for you if you:

  1. Have lots of time to research all the answers to your blogging challenges;
  2. Are confident in your game plan for building traffic and income;
  3. Are already connected with a supportive group of bloggers.

✔️Food Blogger Pro IS the right fit if you:

  1. Feel isolated and unsure of how to get connected in the food blogging community;
  2. Feel like you could be doing more with your traffic and income;
  3. Need a time-saving solution for getting answers to your blogging questions.

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Alright – that’s a wrap on my end. Just one last reminder that enrollment is open until June 2nd at 11:59PM CST.

We’d love for you to join!

Click here to sign up for Food Blogger Pro.

The post Food Blogger Pro is Open for Enrollment appeared first on Pinch of Yum.

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