Friday, May 6, 2016

Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte

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This post is sponsored by Almond Breeze!
 We are using their Almondmilk which is delicious for an iced matcha latte.


Okay! So let’s get granola for a minute.

A toasted English muffin smeared with almond butter and sea salt is just begging to be washed down with sips of this cold, creamy, sweet, antioxidant-dense iced matcha green tea latte. It’s like the world’s healthiest form of a latte. I know you’re maybe asking questions. Raising eyebrows. Matcha is a tiny bit off the mainstream map, I get it.

But hey – can you buy almond milk? do you have Amazon? because that’s how I got started with my matcha green tea latte obsession. Look out, hippie matcha green tea latte drinkers. The food regulars be comin for ya.

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So to set the stage. MATCHA GREEN TEA IS THE BOMB.COM.

I didn’t know about it until, like, two months ago. It all started with an obsession with a local tea bar in St. Paul, where I’d order this thing called a Royal Tea Latte (I’m speaking in past tense as if this is something of days gone by, but in reality I’m stopping there on my way home from work to get my third one this week – large plz – and I have zero regrets) and because the Royal had to brew for a few minutes, I’d sit there and watch all the other tea people ordering and navigating the scary-exciting menu of a tea bar.

And that’s when I realized: whoa, matcha.

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I started ordering matcha tea latte drinks at coffee shops. I was just curious. I found some things out.

  1. I’m going to be honest – I can’t stomach matcha green tea lattes when they’re hot. Just… too much of a green plant steaminess in my face.
  2. I do, however, LOVE love love them cold. Icy cold and creamy and sweet, perfect for sipping through a straw. Bless that green drink.
  3. Unfortunately, when served cold, there is always the danger of getting matcha green tea chunks up in your straw and, so so sorry, up in your mouth. And that brings us back to another thing I can’t stomach about matcha green tea lattes, which is, obviously, MATCHA GREEN TEA CHUNKS. Not okay.
  4. The solution to getting them just how I want them? Silky-smooth and lusciously green and cold and creamy and a teeny bit over-sweetened? The solution is making them at home. Because you can buy yourself a little packet of matcha powder and your fave creamy almond milk and be a whiz at this in less than 60 seconds flat.

Get a mason jar with a lid. Imma show you.


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That’s the matcha paste (you have to make a paste so you don’t get chunks) mixed with the almond milk and agave.

Lid on, annnnnnd GO.

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60 seconds later, you are sipping that matcha green tea latte like a boss.

It’s packed with antioxidants (thanks matcha!) and it’s ULTRA creamy while staying light in calories and fat (thanks Almond Breeze!) and completely plant-powered (thanks agave!) and GUESS WHAT there’s a bonus.

It has a little bit of caffeine. BZZZZZ

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Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte Details:

PS. What was life before Amazon? I don’t even remember. Did you guys know about Prime Now? I can’t even. The other day I had something delivered to our studio in less than one hour and I opened the package and looked at Jenna and said: WE’RE LIVING IN THE FUTURE.

Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte
Serves: 1 latte
  1. In a glass jar, mix the matcha green tea powder with a little bit of water - just enough to form a paste. Stir it up until there are no clumps.
  2. Add the milk and and agave. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and shake vigorously until incorporated. Let sit for a minute so any remaining clumps settle to the bottom. Carefully pour into a glass with ice and enjoy!
If you have a mesh strainer, you can also pour the matcha latte through it to remove clumps. I am usually too lazy to get it out in the morning which is why I just let it settle for a second and then pour carefully enough so that the little clumps just stay put in the bottom of the jar.


lineShout out to Almond Breeze for partnering with us to make this delicious iced matcha green tea latte a reality.

The post Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte appeared first on Pinch of Yum.

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