Friday, June 3, 2016

7 Deliciously Easy Smoothies to Lose Weight

It was a few months ago that I jumped out of the shower and looked down at my lovely curvaceous body. Except however much I tried to deny it while they were lots of curves, they weren’t exactly in the places I wanted them to be, and there were a lot more than there should have been.

Being risk averse to the gym, I don’t mind admitting I am not that enthusiastic when it comes to exercise, and struggling with my sweet tooth, I set about doing some research to see if I could find an easier solution to lose some of my curves.

To my absolute delight, I discovered that provided you choose the ingredients wisely and plan ahead there are lots of different smoothie recipes that not only taste delicious but that can actively assist you to lose weight. And because you are in control of the ingredients you can work out the dreaded calories and know exactly what you are placing into your body.

Fat Burning Smoothie Recipes

Below you will find seven of my current favorites which are not only delicious but low in calories and can be prepared in a short space of time, always important with my busy schedule.

Berry Rolled Oat Smoothiediet smoothies

Smoothie number one is a delicious berry and rolled oat smoothie that can be prepared in as little as 5 minutes.

  • ½ cup of rolled oats
  • ½ cup of frozen berries (varied)
  • 4 tablespoons of honey (as of your preference)
  • 1 cup of almond
  • A third cup of fat-free Greek yogurt.
  • A quarter cup of ice

Blend all ingredients together until they reach a smooth consistency of your liking and serve immediately.

This is perfect as an early morning treat or just as a snack whatever time of the day you may wish.

Banana Kale Smoothie

Smoothie number two is a nutritious blend of banana and Kale.

  • Half a fresh/frozen banana
  • Two Cups of Kale
  • Two Tablespoons of chia seeds
  • One Cup of unsweetened almond milk unless more is needed
  • One Cup of ice

Blend all ingredients until smooth like a purée and enjoy immediately. This is perfect to have during the day to prevent unhealthy snacking on foods like candy or chocolates.

Candy Apple Smoothie

smoothie recipes for weight loss

Smoothie number three is called “The Candy Apple smoothie” and despite the name is positively healthy and ready to kickstart your weight loss. The flaxseed in this recipe can help digestion and cleanse your skin to ensure you get off to a great start on that overall healthy body you wish to acquire.

This smoothie is a perfect afternoon snack complemented by the apple and coconut water.

  • One medium/large red apple
  • 220 ml of coconut water
  • Four shelled almonds
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • One teaspoon of mashed cinnamon
  • One tablespoon of mashed flaxseed

Blend all ingredients in your smoothie blender into a smooth lump free purée that is of your preferred consistency and then let it chill in the fridge overnight. This will then be the perfect way to begin your day extra healthy.

Strawberry Basil Smoothie

Smoothie number four is a scrumptious strawberry and basil complemented smoothie.

The basil in this smoothie makes for a delightful change from the ordinary berry smoothies. The basil in this smoothie along with the strawberry makes this a great evening time snack or meal that drives away hunger leaving you excited for the next day’s smoothies to come.

  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 6 large strawberries
  • 5 basil leaves crushed
  • 1 small ripe banana (make sure it is peeled)
  • 2 cups of green spinach

Mix and blend in your blender, until there is a lump free puree of your desired constituency and then serve immediately to extract the best flavors and benefits from this drink.

Coconut Banana Smoothie

Smoothie number five is a fabulous mix of coconut and banana.

This smoothie contains coconut water which is extremely healthy and therefore likely to help you on that path to a healthier body. The coconut water adds a refreshing taste to this smoothie that is light and prevents a feeling of bloating many other meals may cause.

This smoothie would be great for lunch time as it is not heavy and can be consumed quickly and easily.

  • One Ripe Pair
  • One Ripe Smal Banana
  • Half a ripe red apple
  • One whole medium carrot
  • One cup coconut water.

Simply blend the ingredients in your blender until they reach a smooth purée without any lumps and bumps and then serve immediately.

Red Berry & Orange Smoothie

smoothies to lose weight

Smoothie number six is an amazing red berry smoothie with a zesty orange surprise.

Despite the name this smoothie contains beneficial tree and has blueberries added to improve the taste. This smoothie has hidden qualities that encourage you continue on your course as it prevents you getting bored, and provides some variety and change. It also contains linseeds which have a beneficial effect on health.

  • One table spoon of ground linseeds
  • Half a cup of frozen or fresh raspberries
  • Third a cup of frozen of fresh blueberries
  • Half of a small juicy orange.

Combine all of these ingredients in your smoothie blender and slowly mix until smooth then serve immediately.

Spicy Ginger & Berry Smoothie

fat burning smoothies

Smoothie number seven is a spicy ginger and berry mix. This smoothie is sure to entice your taste buds and will provide a refreshing change. You will need

  • One cup of almond milk
  • One cup of Spinach
  • Twelve Blackberries or more
  • Six large strawberries sliced up
  • One-quarter cup of Oats (whatever kind you prefer)
  • Half a teaspoon of Ginger
  • One teaspoon honey (or personal preference)
  • Several ice cubes

Simply mix these ingredients together in your blender until they form a smooth purée mix that can be poured into a glass or preferred cup and serve immediately to ensure the best results both taste-wise and nutritionally.

The post 7 Deliciously Easy Smoothies to Lose Weight appeared first on Good Kitchen.

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