Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Baked Shrimp Taquitos

Baked Shrimp Taquitos are so much lighter and healthier than frying, and they come out perfect and crisp! The shrimp filling is SO good you'll be tempted to eat it before you roll them up. I plan on making the filling again to use for shrimp tacos this week!

Baked Shrimp Taquitos are so much lighter and healthier than frying, and they come out perfect and crisp! The shrimp filling is SO good you’ll be tempted to eat it before you roll them up. I plan on making the filling again to use for shrimp tacos this week!

These are great as an appetizer, or serve them with salad and guacamole to make it a meal. I had two for lunch with salad my homemade guacamole and felt perfectly satisfied, although I would probably have three for dinner.

Baked Shrimp Taquitos are so much lighter and healthier than frying, and they come out perfect and crisp! The shrimp filling is SO good you'll be tempted to eat it before you roll them up. I plan on making the filling again to use for shrimp tacos this week!


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