Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Waffled Crab Cakes

Dust off that waffle machine to make these fast and delicious Waffled Crab Cakes! This is so genius you're going to wonder why you haven't thought of this sooner. The crab cakes cook perfectly in the center, with golden edges in less than 3 minutes! And you get perfect little square pockets to hold the lemon juice or tartar sauce.

Dust off that waffle machine to make these fast and delicious Waffled Crab Cakes! This is so genius you’re going to wonder why you haven’t thought of this sooner. The crab cakes cook perfectly in the center, with golden edges in less than 3 minutes! And you get perfect little square pockets to hold the lemon juice or tartar sauce.

Dust off that waffle machine to make these fast and delicious Waffled Crab Cakes! This is so genius you're going to wonder why you haven't thought of this sooner. The crab cakes cook perfectly in the center, with golden edges in less than 3 minutes! And you get perfect little square pockets to hold the lemon juice or tartar sauce.


from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8174097 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/weightwatcherspointsrecipes/~3/JLZUl1P353Q/

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