Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Enchilada Chicken Roll-Ups

Chicken breasts on their own can be a bit boring. Roll ‘em up with cheese and green chilis, smother them in enchilada sauce and more cheese and now you’re talking. These Enchilada Chicken Roll-Ups give you authentic enchilada flavor without all the work, calories or fat. And you won’t even miss the tortillas!

Chicken breasts on their own can be a bit boring. Roll ‘em up with cheese and green chilis, smother them in enchilada sauce and more cheese and now you’re talking.  These Enchilada Chicken Roll-Ups give you authentic enchilada flavor without all the work, calories or fat.  And you won’t even miss the tortillas!

Chicken breasts on their own can be a bit boring. Roll ‘em up with cheese and green chilis, smother them in enchilada sauce and more cheese and now you’re talking. These Enchilada Chicken Roll-Ups give you authentic enchilada flavor without all the work, calories or fat. And you won’t even miss the tortillas!


from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8174097 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/weightwatcherspointsrecipes/~3/t20UtVpGN5M/

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